New & Noteworthy

October 2014

ScriptPro and TCGRx Integrate Pharmacy Automation Technologies


ScriptPro and TCGRx announce that they will be partners in a distribution and co-marketing agreement allowing ScriptPro to bring TCGRx adherence packaging technologies to retail pharmacies throughout the United States. ScriptPro is a provider of robotics-based pharmacy management and workflow systems to retail and ambulatory pharmacies. TCGRx distributes and supports tablet/capsule pouch packaging systems and inventory management automation for long-term care pharmacies. Many retail and ambulatory pharmacies that are increasing their services for long-term care patient populations may wish to offer TCGRx's automated systems to this specialized market. Likewise, many pharmacies focused on serving long-term care facilities could benefit from ScriptPro's software and inventory management systems. ScriptPro and TCGRx will work together to provide fully integrated hardware and software solutions for these customers.

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