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New & Noteworthy

November 2024

Cloud-Based Temperature and Condition Monitoring


The Sentinel system from Sensaphone supports facilities that rely on controlled environments or cleanrooms to maintain product integrity. The cloud-based system provides 24/7 remote monitoring for up to 12 different environmental and equipment conditions, aiming to meet high standards of safety and efficiency. Used with sensors to monitor important cleanroom conditions such as airflow, differential pressure, vibration, temperature, humidity, and power failure, the Sentinel system helps manage controlled environments. When any sensor detects a condition outside the preset range, the system promptly alerts designated personnel via phone call, text, or email, enabling quick corrective action. Users can access real-time data anytime, anywhere via their mobile device or computer. Through the Sensaphone app, they can view status information, adjust settings, disable alarms, and modify temperature limits. The Sentinel system is offered in both cellular and Ethernet models.

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